Publications of P. A. Falileev
1. In 1997 the book Ship mortgages was published in Moscow where he attempted to make a comparative analysis of ship mortgage under the laws of the continental law system and under common law. This book consists of six chapters. In the first chapter the author analyzes general legal problems of securitization, hypotheque and maritime liens. In the second chapter the author analyzes the ship mortgage under the laws of the continental system. In the third chapter the author describes the legislation of the Scandinavian countries. In the fourth chapter the author analyzes ship mortgage under the Common law. The fifth chapter of the book is devoted to the international unification of ship mortgage. In the closing sixth chapter the author describes a regulation of the ship mortgage under the Russian law, the author also gave some suggestions to improve the Russian Law basing on the comparative researches the author also prepared certain suggestions to the draft of the new Russian Merchant Shipping Code.
2. In 1999 after the new Russian Merchant Shipping Code entered into force Piotr A.
Falileev prepared the commentary to the chapter 22 “Maritime
liens. Ship mortgage of the vessel”.
3. The book “International
protection of the foreign investments” was published in London in 1998. The chapter
of this book devoted to the protection of the foreign investments in Russian Federation
was written by Piotr A. Falileev.
4. Together with his college Viktor B. Kozlov, Piotr A. Falileev prepared the article for
the Russian legal magazine “State and Law” “Lex specialis and Lex
generalis in the civil and maritime laws (criticism of the modern legislation)”. In
this article the authors criticized clause 2 of the article 3 of the Russian Civil
5. Another article “Whether
it is obligatory to pay the state fees when applying to set aside the awards of
International Commercial Arbitration” written by Petr Falileev was published in 1998
in the magazine “Russian Justice”. In this article the author criticized the modern
court practice of the Moscow city court and Supreme court of Russian Federation regarding
this issue.
6. In 2003 Piotr A. Falileev prepared the report “Ship arrest in Russia” for the participants of 9th of Annual Ship Arrest Seminar of Lloyd's Maritime Academy.
7. In 2004 Piotr A. Falileev prepared new commentary to the chapter 22 “Maritime liens. Ship mortage of the vessel”.